Replacement Costs


The Library marks all items with a due date. It is the borrower's responsibility to know when items are due and return library material in good condition.


    • Note: Reserve items can be assessed lost charges 1 hour after the due time if the material is in demand by other borrowers.
    • If an item is damaged, a repair fee may be charged for the item.
    • If an item is lost or irreparably damaged, charges include
      • the replacement cost, plus
      • any overdue fines accrued, plus
      • a processing fee which is
        • $10.00 for cataloged items and reserve books;
        • $5.00 for other items.

See LAPTOPS and TABLETS below for lost/damaged charges information about laptops.

  • Items will be presumed lost if not returned within 4 weeks from the due date. Borrowers will be responsible for overdue charges regardless of whether the item is returned, and lost item fees if the item is not returned.
NOTE: If material is overdue more than 4 weeks and/or fines are not paid,
  • Borrowers will be barred from further checkout;
  • A library hold will be placed on students' records. This hold must be cleared before students can register, receive grades, or receive transcripts.
  • Note: Student Record holds may not be removed from the WPHS operating system until Monday morning if fines are paid after 12:30 PM on Saturday.


  • Fines on overdue laptops accrue at a rate of $10 per hour. Maximum fine is $50.
  • Billing for non-returned or damaged laptops and accessories includes the full replacement cost ($1500 per laptop) or repair cost, accumulated overdue fines, and a $50 processing charge. If the exact laptop model or accessory is no longer available, replacement cost will be the actual price of a similar item in terms of quality, durability, and performance.


  • Fines on overdue tablets accrue at a rate of $1.00 per day.
  • Tablets and any accessories not returned after 30 days of being late will be assumed lost and the patron will be liable for full replacement costs, maximum overdue fines and processing fee(s). Processing fee for loss of bundle is $15. For partial loss, the processing fee is $5 for each item. If loss or fines/fees are incurred,WPHS LS will NOT accept replacement items as substitute for fines/fees.
  • Replacement costs are as follows and all are subject to change based on current retail pricing:
    • iPad = $270 or replacement cost
    • iPad case = $30
    • iPad power adapter = $19
    • iPad USB cable = $19
  • Patrons returning tablets with any irreparable damage (determined by an CCBOE technician) will be charged full replacement costs (see above) and the corresponding processing fee. As with printed materials, patrons who pay full replacement costs will have the option of keeping the damaged item(s). In cases when the item is visibly damaged, the item will be evaluated by a CCBOE technician. Immediate assessment of level of damage is not always available.